Update on 2021 Train Excursions

May 25, 2021


Our 2021 Train Excursion schedule is in place. For full details on the excursions and when these are planned, please visit our Excursion Page. We have planned out the schedule for the rest of the year, but at this time that is all it is -- a plan. Until things improve with COVID-19 pandemic, our train schedule is on hold. Tickets for future excursions are still on sale. However, until we are out of lock down, no train excursions will be running. We are hopeful that things will improve so we can once again ride the rails and offer unique family outings to our guests. We do expect things will be different and that we will have make accommodations. Despite all that, we do look forward to the coming months.

We were able to run an excursion in April, Shake Off Winter Train Excursion just before lock down, although we were not able to do all elements of the excursion as planned, our guests enjoyed the outing with the modifications we made.

We are all looking forward to being able to ride the rails with you again in the near future. In the meantime, please enjoy the slide show of the April Excursion. We look forward to being able to once again offer a unique family train experience to all our guests.

Until then, stay safe and healthy.

All the best,

Friends of the Battle River Railway

Contact Information

For the most up-to-date information about our upcoming excursions, be sure to email or call.
Battle River Train Excursions is run by the Friends of the Battle River Railway, a registered not-for-profit organization.